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Daily Archives: August 21, 2016

Pets Are Great Medicine

I was having a moment of high anxiety the other day, I don’t necessarily remember what brought it on, but needless to say I was on my way to a panic attack. I am prone to these sometimes in moments of stress or while dealing with irrational fears (phobias), or thoughts that overwhelm me in the spur of the moment (bills, or Walmart usually). So I tried to lay down for a moment and stop pacing around and slow my momentum towards the coming attack. At that precise moment my cat sat on my chest and nuzzled my face while purring like a little Mac Truck. I immediately got lost in the moment and rubbed my face against his, attempting to purr back in kind (failing miserably as I sounded like a man gargling spit), and petting him till he plopped down on my chest and fell asleep, still purring just a little more softly now. By the time he fell asleep, I had forgotten that I was escalating into a panic attack and looked for my next source of entertainment which happened to be my dog who seemed to be jealous by all the attention the cat was getting. So, I was now even more distracted by the licks on my hand as I tried to pet her.
